Your car was involved in an accident and currently cannot be used for transportation? Perhaps the repairs will cost a large amount of money that you do not want to invest in it, or it is no longer practical to restore it. In such a situation, you have two options: leave the car somewhere in the parking lot or garage, or sell it in order to at least partially return the funds invested in its purchase by using the service buying a car after an accident without unnecessary hassle and problems.
If you choose the second option, then the information from this article will be useful to you. We will consider various options for selling a car that is no longer drivable and cannot be repaired. You'll learn the pros and cons of each option, as well as how much money you can make.
A good option is to buy back damaged cars
You should not assume that your car after an accident has turned into a useless piece of metal that is difficult to get rid of or sell. The company's highly qualified auto repurchase specialists are ready to promptly go to the site to inspect your vehicle within just a few hours after your call. Regardless of the severity of the damage, the company will offer solutions and provide a fast and convenient service to help you get out of a difficult situation.
Selling a damaged car to such a company has many advantages:
- Quick sale of a car. By contacting theShelby company, you can get rid of the car and get money by the end of the day. You won't have to wait weeks to find a buyer for your damaged car.
- Minimum effort. All you need to do to sell your car quickly and effortlessly is call the company, wait for the appraiser and sign a contract. You don't need to post ads, update them, communicate with many potential buyers and bargain with them.
- There is no need to worry about car removal. The buying company itself organizes the evacuation of the car to its parking lot and pays all expenses.
- You don't need to exchange documents when selling. This is done by the purchasing company.
As you can see, contacting a company that buys damaged cars is an opportunity to quickly and effortlessly sell a car that can no longer be repaired.
Sale of a damaged car to an individual
A buyer can be found by posting a sale ad on car sale classifieds websites. To do this, you will need photographs of the car, a description of all breakdowns and malfunctions, as well as contact information and prices. Then all you have to do is wait for calls from potential buyers and make an appointment.
Unlike the previous method, this selling option gives you the opportunity to get a little more money, but not a fact. You are the owner and are free to set the price you think is appropriate and try to sell the car for a higher value.
Selling a car after an accident on your own can be costly and inconvenient:
- Long lead time. It may take weeks or even months or even years until you find a buyer interested in purchasing your damaged vehicle.
- Responsibility for keeping the ad current and updating it regularly so as not to lose potential buyers.
- Allocate time for negotiations with potential buyers and inspection of the car.
Selling a car that requires serious repairs is more difficult than selling a car in good condition. The buyer sees the damage and realizes the significance of the defects, which may become a reason for refusing to purchase or bidding, or even refusing to make a decision.
- The need to independently prepare documents for the car.
- Problems with towing the car to the buyer.
- Costs for posting advertisements, updating them, paperwork, calling a tow truck and other expenses.
Selling a damaged car yourself requires time, patience and a willingness to resolve many issues: from communicating with potential buyers and agreeing on a price to completing documents and organizing towing.
Sale of cars for dismantling
Selling a car for disassembly is an option that will allow you to get the maximum amount of money for a damaged car, despite its disrepair. As a car owner, you know that parts are expensive. Why don't you take advantage of this?
If you have time, knowledge and are willing to put in the effort, you can sell your car by disassembling it for parts yourself. Thus, you can get up to 70% of the cost without damaged car. If you don’t have time and you urgently need money, or you just don’t want to bother with a huge number of issues related to selling a car, then it’s better to use the service take the car for disassembly at a car buyback company.
Disposal or scrap metal
If your car is in disrepair and no one wants to buy it, not even companies that specialize in buying used cars, then the only way out – disposal or scrap metal. Although the amount you receive will not be large, it is still better than storing a useless car in the garage.
Selling your car for scrap will allow you to get a small amount. However, payment will be made at general tariffs for non-ferrous and ferrous metals, which at the moment are not very high – from 20 to 150 hryvnia per kilogram, depending on the type of metal. Please note that you will have to pay for a tow truck to take the car to the scrap yard, so the total amount may not be large.
Therefore, in the case when you cannot sell the car at a normal price, recycling would be a more profitable solution. According to the new rules, by handing over your car for recycling at a dealer, you can get a significant discount on the purchase of a new car. The size of the discount will depend on the type of vehicle and can be up to 1,800 thousand hryvnia. However, please note that car recycling is not a free process and you will have to pay a certain amount for it.
So, what conclusions can be drawn? A Salvage vehicle is not a useless piece of junk. There is always the opportunity to sell it and get back some of the money that was spent on its purchase. There are enough options for this, and now you know what you may need when choosing any of them. All that remains is to decide which strategy you want to choose – quick sale of a car at a low price or a longer sales process for parts with a higher cost.
Remember: Today is the best time to sell a car